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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Guinea Pig Empire, Logo 1 and 2

Hear ye, hear ye;

the piggies doth squeak!

Prepare to feast your eyes upon.... the guinea pig empire's logo!

The guinea pigs have commanded me to inform you to feel free to paste it on walls, adorn it with lavish riches, attach it to other websites, paint it on your mailbox, tattoo it on your arm, anything and everything that might cover the world in guinea pigs!!!

Please, don't put it on stop signs.

and logo 2...

In response to your impotent request for classified material, the top secret guinea pig only guinea pig empire secret logo, we have just one thing to say to you slave; request denied. Get back to work!             -Guinea pigs  

Monday, April 18, 2011

Guinea Pigs 101

New Page Update On Guinea Pigs 101!

In fact, now, its even a real page, with words & images ;)

This page is for anybody interested in guinea pigs, particularly in adopting a guinea pig (or two or three or four of five... as the case may be)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Guinea Pig Empire's First Blog (aka this one)...

...Now has had visitors from ten different countries!

Admittedly, some only have a few people from them... But its a start to world... er... peace (cough world domination cough).

The guinea pigs would just like me to remind you to convince your friends (international too!) to come see this amazing blog! And help their local guinea pigs in need!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Goal Achieved!

500 views of this blog! Yes! I hope they weren't all me!

Treat yourself everybody; eat a carrot! And then feed the rest of the bag of carrots to a guinea pig!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Our 30th Post- A Beautiful Poem About Fostering.... Share With Fosters and Potential Fosters

  ... Our paths will cross for only a short time, but while you are in my care I will be devoted to you. If memories of your former life are painful, I will help erase them. No longer will you hunger and I will help to heal your wounds. If your former life was good, I will promise you an even better future.

One day our time together will come to an end and you will go off to your new home, healthy, happy and healed. As a parting gift, I will give you a piece of my heart to remember me by. I may shed a tear . . . not for my loss, but for your gain.

Perhaps our paths may cross again for a fleeting instant and I will be comforted by the aura of love that surrounds you. There will always be a bond between us, though we walk separate paths through this life.

After we reach our heavenly reward our paths may cross again. You may try to return the piece of my heart with thanks for all that I did for you. I will tell you to keep it and thank you for showing me that I could be better than I thought I could be, and that I learned in giving came the greatest gifts.

The pieces of our hearts are like grains of sand. They are pulled along a current beyond our control until they come together and form a safe haven.

I, like you, came to understand what it meant to be saved.

{I believe this poem was written by Belinda Baker, a Luna's House volunteer